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Number Details

Number(888) 231-8380
Area Code (NPA)888
Exchange (NXX)231
Subscriber Number8380
Zip Code
Date Assigned
Prefix TypeTOLL FREE
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1 out of 5
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Total SPAM Ratings: 2
Total OK Ratings: 0
Total Ratings: 2

Recent Ratings for 888-231-8380

Date Rated Rating
07/18/16 4:39 PMSPAM
07/16/16 4:08 PMSPAM

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About this number

There is 2 SPAM ratings and 1 comment for this phone number. (888) 231-8380 is a landline based telephone number and is located . It has a Number Planning Area (NPA - also known as an Area Code) of 888, a Network Numbering Exchange (NXX - also known as a prefix) of 231 and a subscriber number of 8380.

Did someone call or text you from 888-231-8380 ?


Tax scam they say that they are calling from Revenue Canada. The receptionist passed the call to Officer Brown said I owe $4,986.00 from an audit 2009-2014 case no. CP11A you better get a criminal lawyer to fight this. they would take my house, car and freeze bank account . I started to cry, he said he would check with his criminal lawyer he said that I would now have to pay $7986.00 extra charges for his criminal lawyer. It was approx. 2:20pm, I had to drive to Ottawa or Quebec City to pay by 4pm. suddenly cash was ok. I told him I would get cash. He told me not to tell anyone including husband and he made sure my cell was charged i had to bring my cell and he would give me info on what to do once I had the cash. I was to go to CIBC. I called my husband using the banks phone told him to meet me at bank and told Officer Brown I cant get money, do what you have to do. He called me back I passed the call to my husband and my husband told Officer Brown where he could go. I was one of the lucky ones!!!! The call lasted about 2hrs.

Caller or Company: 1-888-231-8380 claim to be Revenue Canada
Caller Type: Bank Scam

Saturday, July 16th 5:00 pm
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