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Number(669) 399-3666
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Virologists Blow-the-Whistle: MPOX is actually Known Side-Effect of COVID Vax! According to leading virologist Dr. Poornima Wagh, we are not experiencing an outbreak of monkey-pox around the world, as claimed by the WHO. As Dr. Wagh explains, the symptoms experienced by those diagnosed with monkey-pox are actually a known side-effect of the Covid shots: Auto-Immune Blistering Disease

Caller or Company: CDC
Caller Type: Unknown

Monday, September 9th 9:40 am
Virologists Blow-the-Whistle: MPOX is actually Known Side-Effect of COVID Vax! According to leading virologist Dr. Poornima Wagh, we are not experiencing an outbreak of monkey-pox around the world, as claimed by the WHO. As Dr. Wagh explains, the symptoms experienced by those diagnosed with monkey-pox are actually a known side-effect of the Covid shots: Auto-Immune Blistering Disease

Caller or Company: CDC
Caller Type: Medical/Healthcare

Thursday, September 5th 5:01 pm
My name is Kristi LacroixMost people recognize me from my only fans, I have a very successful only fans where you could see my day-to-day life and what I like doing in the boudoir.my skin is soft and I keep it soft by using moisturizers daily being clean and fresh is always important to me. That’s the reason why I always have recent tests available for you to see. because I love clean fun always safe. lace leather corset, bustiers and the smells of lavender and Bergamont are some of the sensations you will experience whenever you’re with me. I am always functional and always able to work and I produce loads and loads. I could definitely accomplish what I need to in order to get you there I know we will have a deep connection that you’re definitely going to feel.I speak English fluently intermediate in Japanese, Spanish and French. so please be patient with me if you’re speaking in any of these languages Mi nombre es Kristi Definitivamente soy una chica amante de la diversión, tranquila y libre de dramas. extremadamente bueno guardando secretos y realmente solo quiero divertirme. Me gustan los chicos y las chicas. Me encanta la lencería Lacey, especialmente si proviene de Victoria's Secret. Definitivamente no soy un observador de relojes porque quiero estar en el momento. Viajo mucho porque me encanta explorar el mundo, pero también salir con mis amigos. Nos encanta ir a festivales, prácticamente en todas partes. Me encanta disfrazarme e ir a estas fiestas. Es casi como si fuera Halloween todos los días. pero normalmente, siempre tengo el pelo largo y rubio y solo estoy vestida con cabello rubio y solo con mi lencería de encaje.

Caller or Company: 6693993666
Caller Type: Unknown

Wednesday, September 4th 3:03 pm
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