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Number Details

Number(866) 288-0008
Area Code (NPA)866
Exchange (NXX)288
Subscriber Number0008
Zip Code
Date Assigned
Prefix TypeTOLL FREE
Switch Name
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About this number

There is 1 comment for this phone number. (866) 288-0008 is a landline based telephone number and is located . It has a Number Planning Area (NPA - also known as an Area Code) of 866, a Network Numbering Exchange (NXX - also known as a prefix) of 288 and a subscriber number of 0008.

Did someone call or text you from 866-288-0008 ?


Is this spam or bogus because they CLAIM they are refunding me $300 previously paid because they are going out of business and I did pay that to have a company fix my computer, but it a foreign voice on the other end and when calling this phone number, they want me to go into my computer and then they can begin to refund my money. I don't trust this. Great if they are truly going to refund my money, but honestly, they would have all of my account info from when they hijacked me. I did not go any further and hung up.

Caller or Company: Not sure.
Caller Type: Unknown

Monday, November 5th 3:47 pm
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