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Number Details

NameShow Name
Number(908) 258-6674
Area Code (NPA)908
Exchange (NXX)258
Subscriber Number6674
CompanyComcast Business Communication
StateNJ - New Jersey
Zip Code
Date Assigned
Prefix TypeCLEC
Switch Name
Switch Type

Rating Statistics

Phone Number 9082586674 2.5 out of 5
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Total SPAM Ratings: 1
Total OK Ratings: 1
Total Ratings: 2

Recent Ratings for 908-258-6674

Date Rated Rating
10/01/22 11:36 PMOK
09/19/22 6:22 AMSPAM

Local Information

StateNJ - New Jersey
Zip Code
Census Region NameNortheast
Census Division NameMid-Atlantic
Local Time (when you loaded this page)
Time Zone
Daylight Savings
Land Square Miles
Water Square Miles
Number of Housing Units
Average Persons Per Household

Caller Location Map

About this number

There is 1 OK rating, 1 SPAM rating and 1 comment for this phone number. (908) 258-6674 is a landline based telephone number operated by Comcast Business Communication and is located in the city of Unionville, New Jersey and is in the Northeast. It has a Number Planning Area (NPA - also known as an Area Code) of 908, a Network Numbering Exchange (NXX - also known as a prefix) of 258 and a subscriber number of 6674. It has an Operating Company Number (OCN) of 5364. A Common Language Location Identifier (CLLI) of NBWKNJNBXAY. As well as a Local access and transport area (LATA) of 224.

Did someone call or text you from 908-258-6674 ?


making believe they are credit one bankn or a subsudsity of one of the credit cards . can anyone tell me why on my bill there are different po boxes in different states ? im confused . one is sent from
"po box 98873 las vegas , nv 89193-8873 "then you mail payment to
"po box 60500 city of industry ca 91716-0500 "then irregularlpayments go to
"po box 95516 las vegas NV 89193-5516 " if you dissatisfied send to
po box 98873 las vegas NV89-93-8878""
and why is it some places called Credit One Bank and some on same paper is creditOne Bank N.A ( does the NA mean Non Applicable?) and do i need to Wite NA if i send mail?
i feel like itsjust all a delusion . and why such a long
list to choose from with nextbox im about to full out.? it like every type of thing on theplanet . it would have been easier to let usfill it in not multiple choice . sorry not next but one after next .

Caller or Company: credit one bank or credit one bank NA
Caller Type: Unknown

Monday, September 19th 6:47 am
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