Number | (562) 533-XXXX |
Area Code (NPA) | 562 |
Exchange (NXX) | 533 |
Subscriber Number | XXXX |
Company | Cellco Partnership DBA Verizon |
Country | USA |
County | |
City | Long Beach |
State | CA - California |
Zip Code | |
OCN | 6006 |
Date Assigned | |
Prefix Type | WIRELESS |
Switch Name | |
Switch Type | |
LATA | 730 |
Country | USA |
County | |
City | Long Beach |
State | CA - California |
Zip Code | |
Census Region Name | West |
Census Division Name | Pacific |
Local Time (when you loaded this page) | |
Time Zone | |
Daylight Savings | |
Latitude | |
Longitude | |
Land Square Miles | |
Water Square Miles | |
Population | |
Number of Housing Units | |
Average Persons Per Household |
March 30, 2024 10:29 pm
March 30, 2024 4:28 pm
Called me two times and also texted. Says they are a lawyer for work injury. I need neither. Most likely spam or fraud.