Reverse Phone Number Info

Number Details

Number(626) 757-XXXX
Area Code (NPA)626
Exchange (NXX)757
Subscriber NumberXXXX
CompanyT-Mobile Usa, Inc.
StateCA - California
Zip Code
Date Assigned05/17/2002
Prefix TypePCS
Switch Name
Switch Type

Local Information

StateCA - California
Zip Code
Census Region NameWest
Census Division NamePacific
Local Time (when you loaded this page)
Time Zone
Daylight Savings
Land Square Miles
Water Square Miles
Number of Housing Units
Average Persons Per Household

Caller Location Map

About this number

(626) 757 is a wireless/mobile based telephone number operated by T-Mobile Usa, Inc. and is located in the city of Alhambra, California and is in the West. It has a Number Planning Area (NPA - also known as an Area Code) of 626 and Network Numbering Exchange (NXX - also known as a prefix) of 757. It has an Operating Company Number (OCN) of 6529. A Common Language Location Identifier (CLLI) of ELMNCAFI5MD. As well as a Local access and transport area (LATA) of 730. It was first assigned for usage on 05/17/2002.

Recent Comments in 626-757-XXXX


February 16, 2018 2:50 pm

They are running a scam. Anita Richards who they use, called and left me a long detailed voice mail saying that I have a claim against me, and that the claim is going to court and that I HAVE BEEN NOTIFIED". I called back several times but the line busy and wanted me to leave msg....after getting through one of theses EDWARDS, told me the company name was AGENT HOLD and they are a collection agency. He tried to get me to pay-off an insurance policy that I let lapse due to deploying in 2001. When I questioned him, he got smart and hung up. I called back like 6 times to complain to the supervisor. How ironic, that when I finally got through another EDWARD answered and said COMPLAINT DEPT and how did I get his number, then he say's oh the line must have transferred. So, after my complaint, he tried to get me to send him the payment. EDWARD KINGSTON and/or EDWARD LIVINGSTON talked a good game but I called my wife while on the phone with them and she told me she had settled this back in 2010 when she cleaned up my credit. They told me how responsible I was now, how I turned my credit around but this can bring my score down if I don't pay it on that day. I asked what documentation can you send me? He said it was filed for court . He told me to pay with 1 of my cards and he would send me a receipt by e-mail. I asked him again for docs that he could fax, still couldn't get an answer. I asked him to just fax over their letterhead. All I got was, "I'm trying to help you not go to court but since you are not cooperating I can't anymore and said goodbye". Tried calling back again from my cell and I get a disconnection msg.....called today 2 Feb 2018, EDWARD answered and said Wells Associates. I asked for their mailing address, he stated "if I don't have a case with them, he couldn't provide it" and hung up....I gave it a few moments called from a different number Edward answered and said "HOW MAY I HELP YOU". What business answers the phone that way?


April 7, 2017 1:00 pm

Missed this call no message left - clearly a spoofed number. Obviously another trash phone call.

Recent Ratings in 626-757-XXXX

Phone Number Rating Date Rated
626-757-6656SPAM11/27/18 6:25 PM
626-757-0059SPAM10/01/18 3:55 PM
626-757-2373SPAM10/13/16 12:59 PM