Number | (647) 533-XXXX |
Area Code (NPA) | 647 |
Exchange (NXX) | 533 |
Subscriber Number | XXXX |
Company | Rogers Communications Partners |
Country | Canada |
County | |
City | Toronto |
State | ON - Ontario |
Zip Code | |
OCN | 8821 |
Date Assigned | |
Prefix Type | WIRELESS |
Switch Name | |
Switch Type | POI |
LATA | 888 |
Country | Canada |
County | |
City | Toronto |
State | ON - Ontario |
Zip Code | |
Census Region Name | |
Census Division Name | |
Local Time (when you loaded this page) | |
Time Zone | |
Daylight Savings | |
Latitude | 43.67466 |
Longitude | -79.38414 |
Land Square Miles | |
Water Square Miles | |
Population | |
Number of Housing Units | |
Average Persons Per Household |
March 18, 2021 7:51 am
Text messages
September 27, 2016 7:06 am
This number called my cell saying I have won 260,000 in USD dollars, WITH A FREE LOTTO.
It asked I contact their email @ [email protected]
I believe it is a scam.
September 20, 2016 5:18 am
Scam and now it is not in service?
Phone Number | Rating | Date Rated |
647-533-9625 | OK | 08/17/17 8:01 AM |
647-533-5000 | SPAM | 07/02/17 8:59 AM |
647-533-9756 | SPAM | 10/05/16 4:16 AM |
647-533-0939 | SPAM | 10/04/16 3:35 AM |
647-533-0939 | SPAM | 10/02/16 10:47 AM |
647-533-0939 | SPAM | 10/02/16 7:41 AM |
647-533-7598 | SPAM | 09/28/16 5:28 AM |
647-533-7598 | SPAM | 09/27/16 2:03 AM |
647-533-7598 | SPAM | 09/25/16 12:06 PM |
647-533-7598 | SPAM | 09/23/16 5:20 AM |