Reverse Phone Number Info

Number Details

Number(805) 624-XXXX
Area Code (NPA)805
Exchange (NXX)624
Subscriber NumberXXXX
CompanyLevel 3 Communications, LLC -
CountyLos Angeles
CityLos Angeles
StateCA - California
Zip Code90017
Date Assigned05/02/2001
Prefix TypeCLEC
Switch Type

Local Information

CountyLos Angeles
CityLos Angeles
StateCA - California
Zip Code90017
Census Region NameWest
Census Division NamePacific
Local Time (when you loaded this page)7:57 AM
Time ZonePST
Daylight SavingsNo
Land Square Miles0.73
Water Square Miles
Number of Housing Units10,610
Average Persons Per Household2.30

Caller Location Map

About this number

(805) 624 is a landline based telephone number operated by Level 3 Communications, LLC - and is located in zip code 90017 in the city of Los Angeles, California, which is in Los Angeles County, and is in the West. It has a Number Planning Area (NPA - also known as an Area Code) of 805 and Network Numbering Exchange (NXX - also known as a prefix) of 624. It has an Operating Company Number (OCN) of 8826. A Common Language Location Identifier (CLLI) of LSANCA54DS7. As well as a Local access and transport area (LATA) of 730. It was first assigned for usage on 05/02/2001. Zip code 90017 has a population of 23,768 as of the 2010 census.

Recent Comments in 805-624-XXXX


September 14, 2016 1:13 pm
If you are

-Any UCSD Student or Staff member asked to follow someone on campus or the NCTD or MTS Bus systems,trolley systems, or train systems. You should file a complaint today,. The person you tried to follow knew what you were doing and had friends observe you. The organized FaceBook group used to stalk the person was compromised and the contact list used against you over a long term.

-If you are a North County Transit Route 101 Bus driver or Rider and were asked to follow or monitor another rider, File a complaint today.

-Any employee of the dozen or so companies asked to follow an individual on the MTS Bus, Trolley or Train system. should file a complaint.

-Any Patron or Employee of Starbucks Coffee and other coffee shops asked to follow or monitor, sit behind A PATRON AFTER STRIKING HIS/HER VEHICLE. Should file a claim. You were probably followed home. The Facebook page you used for communications was infiltrated by dozens of people.

-Any Restaurant or bar patrons or employees asked to follow an individual by the police, should file a complaint against the police.

-MTS Drivers or Patrons, Homeless persons who followed a individual or were asked to flatten the bike tires or car tires of the individual should file a complaint against the police. The person is aware of your identity.

Active in 2007-2009 on the MTS Trolley 2010 Carlsbad, California 2012 to 2013 on the MTS Trolley and Bus line to the UTC area 2014 on the MTS and NCTD lines

-Any Taxi Company driver asked to follow a person should file a claim

SDPD and SD County Sheriff and other agencies are desperate to cover up the fact that they instructed a dozen San Diego employers to vandalize employee vehicles and place feces on the employees desk as part of a undercover operation. The police management is aware the tactics are being used.

The employee of the companies are divided and turn against each o

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