Reverse Phone Number Info

Number Details

Number(646) 663-XXXX
Area Code (NPA)646
Exchange (NXX)663
Subscriber NumberXXXX
CompanyLevel 3 Communications, LLC -
CountyNew York
CityNew York
StateNY - New York
Zip Code10011
Date Assigned02/14/2013
Prefix TypeCLEC
Switch NameNEW YORK
Switch Type

Local Information

CountyNew York
CityNew York
StateNY - New York
Zip Code10011
Census Region NameNortheast
Census Division NameMid-Atlantic
Local Time (when you loaded this page)11:57 PM
Time ZoneEDT
Daylight SavingsYes
Land Square Miles0.66
Water Square Miles
Number of Housing Units33,252
Average Persons Per Household1.52

Caller Location Map

About this number

(646) 663 is a landline based telephone number operated by Level 3 Communications, LLC - and is located in zip code 10011 in the city of New York, New York, which is in New York County, and is in the Northeast. It has a Number Planning Area (NPA - also known as an Area Code) of 646 and Network Numbering Exchange (NXX - also known as a prefix) of 663. It has an Operating Company Number (OCN) of 4006. A Common Language Location Identifier (CLLI) of NYCMNY83DSZ. As well as a Local access and transport area (LATA) of 132. It was first assigned for usage on 02/14/2013. Zip code 10011 has a population of 50,984 as of the 2010 census.

Recent Comments in 646-663-XXXX


August 2, 2018 11:58 am

They called asking for my dad, and they told him he had committed tax fraud against the IRS.


October 3, 2016 8:44 am

They claim to be an IRS agent. Left a voicemail message..... "IRS agent is waiting for your call back"


September 21, 2016 9:37 am

The call was an obvious computer recording, telling me the IRS has issued a warrant for my arrest and I need to call the immediately. These people also use the number 424-356-2027.
A. The IRS does not call people.
B. If the IRS has to contact you they will send you a written communication
C. If you are going to be arrested you will not be given notice, you will just be arrested.
People, I answered only because I thought there would be a live person on the phone and I was in the mood for a fight, but no human. So just ignore these calls they are 100% bogus


September 16, 2016 4:58 pm

The caller identified himself as an agent with the is treasury and provided a badge number. Said he was calling in regards to the IRS filing a lawsuit against me for unpaid taxes and he was following up.

When I asked him questions about his employment with the US government he reaffirmed that he in fact did work for the IS government and want me to confirm sensitive information. I did not provide him any information and asked him to provide his information again which I tried searching on the Internet. The operation sounds legitimate until you start asking questions that they cannot answer. I know my taxes are paid and I have not received any mail correspondence from the IRS so I felt this was a phishing operation.

He hung up and when I called back he did not identify himself as the same agent.

Upon calling back again the number was disconnected.

Beware of anyone calling stating they are representing the US government on behalf of the IRS if you feel that it is not legitimate.


September 16, 2016 2:02 pm

I answered the phone and it was a recording. The recording said that, "it was my final notice that I was being sued by the IRS and the only way to get more information was to call the exact same number bad". I called the number back 3 times. The 1st time, the number was out of order, 2nd time I reached a live person and I refused to give my name and demanded to speak to a manager and the person hung up on me and third time I got a weird beeping message. While I was demanding to talk to a manager, I heard ALOT of discussions going on in the background- the kind you hear from a telemarketer. Btw....the number is a NY number and I do not, nor have I ever lived in NY.


September 16, 2016 12:28 pm

Seems Iike a


September 14, 2016 3:20 pm

Robot calling number reporting to be with the IRS and that an IRS agent is waiting for a call back.


September 14, 2016 4:57 am

They claim to be from the IRS. They claim you were audited and owe thousands which needs to be paid immediately. They have your name but no other info. Such a scam. They speak very poor English, and when you call them on the scam start swearing like crazy at you.


September 12, 2016 12:30 pm

irs agent FRAUD


August 16, 2016 8:11 am

Scam phone call states it's the IRS and they've filed a lawsuit


August 16, 2016 7:56 am

same thing as the others here... call states it's the IRS & filed a lawsuit...


August 16, 2016 7:53 am

Scam phone call states it's the IRS and they've filed a lawsuit


August 16, 2016 7:32 am

Scam phone call states it's the IRS and they've filed a lawsuit

Recent Ratings in 646-663-XXXX

Phone Number Rating Date Rated
646-663-7338SPAM08/02/18 11:55 AM
646-663-3276SPAM04/17/18 1:34 PM
646-663-5149OK03/18/17 5:57 PM
646-663-7318SPAM12/06/16 3:02 PM
646-663-7337SPAM10/03/16 8:42 AM
646-663-7279SPAM09/29/16 10:08 AM
646-663-7337SPAM09/14/16 4:55 AM
646-663-7337SPAM09/13/16 3:27 PM
646-663-7318SPAM09/13/16 10:30 AM
646-663-7337SPAM09/12/16 4:35 PM