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Number Details

NameShow Name
Number(850) 280-0064
Area Code (NPA)850
Exchange (NXX)280
Subscriber Number0064
StateFL - Florida
Zip Code85003
Date Assigned
Prefix TypeUNKNOWN
Switch Type5ES

Rating Statistics

Phone Number 8502800064 2.5 out of 5
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Total SPAM Ratings: 1
Total OK Ratings: 1
Total Ratings: 2

Recent Ratings for 850-280-0064

Date Rated Rating
04/08/19 1:42 PMSPAM
04/08/19 12:07 PMOK

Local Information

StateFL - Florida
Zip Code85003
Census Region NameSouth
Census Division NameSouth Atlantic
Local Time (when you loaded this page)12:04 AM
Time ZonePhoenix
Daylight SavingsNo
Land Square Miles1.85
Water Square Miles
Number of Housing Units4,910
Average Persons Per Household2.25

Caller Location Map

About this number

There is 1 OK rating, 1 SPAM rating and 2 comments for this phone number. (850) 280-0064 is a landline based telephone number and is located in zip code 85003 in the city of Phoenix, Florida, which is in Maricopa County, and is in the South. It has a Number Planning Area (NPA - also known as an Area Code) of 850, a Network Numbering Exchange (NXX - also known as a prefix) of 280 and a subscriber number of 0064. A Common Language Location Identifier (CLLI) of PHNXAZMADS4. Zip code 85003 has a population of 9,369 as of the 2010 census.

Did someone call or text you from 850-280-0064 ?


Now they went beyond all reasoning, and have threatened me with harm to my computer if I don't immediately give them 3,500.00 to remove the spyware they put there already.. Without it, my computer will fail to operate at all, according to them, but strange as it is, my Computer is just fine, but I did call the police.. There is more than one number & area code involved, but it comes from the same place.. That I found out from the police, and Their already tracing it.. They actually cannot do anything to your computer folks, it's all BS, you can back it up anytime you wish, they know that, and is why they use the phone now to threaten you, instead of the computer.... Just now they called again, and I'm laughing now as the police already have it traced.. Stay safe boys and girls, and never pay any a*****e group like this anything..

Caller Type: Spam

Monday, April 8th 6:15 pm
totally scam, calls once at least every hour, no one on the line, just a repeat message to call them. They want MY PERSONAL INFO, bank accopunt credit cards, etc.. I have 23 messages from them all saying the same, don't ever answer it they also have multible numbers 0061 is also one of theirs. Stay safe Folks,no telling where it's actually coming from..

Caller Type: Phishing

Monday, April 8th 1:41 pm
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