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Number Details

NameShow Name
Number(863) 485-8532
Area Code (NPA)863
Exchange (NXX)485
Subscriber Number8532
CompanyEmbarq Florida, Inc. DBA Centu
StateFL - Florida
Zip Code33821
Date Assigned09/06/2002
Prefix TypeICO
Switch NameARCADIA
Switch TypeWECO 5ESS (Digital)

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Local Information

StateFL - Florida
Zip Code33821
Census Region NameSouth
Census Division NameSouth Atlantic
Local Time (when you loaded this page)
Time Zone
Daylight Savings
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Caller Location Map

About this number

There are 2 comments for this phone number. (863) 485-8532 is a landline based telephone number operated by Embarq Florida, Inc. DBA Centu and is located in zip code 33821 in the city of Arcadia, Florida and is in the South. It has a Number Planning Area (NPA - also known as an Area Code) of 863, a Network Numbering Exchange (NXX - also known as a prefix) of 485 and a subscriber number of 8532. It has an Operating Company Number (OCN) of 341. A Common Language Location Identifier (CLLI) of ARCDFLXADS0. As well as a Local access and transport area (LATA) of 32767. It was first assigned for usage on 09/06/2002.

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+1 (863) 485-8538
Got a lot of calls from this number claiming to be a Judicial Services they left this voicemail…
Rob this is Jasmine Jones with additional services I've been instructed to contact you regarding an active order of location that is getting verified to be issued against you to pull county I've been instructed to contact your place of employment and inform them the county will be having you located the process on the premises for your upcoming court date for my understanding either you or your attorney we need to contact the office responsible for filing this case telephone number is listed as 855-381-1752 you need to utilize identifying file number EM283100 Dash 0913 understand this is considered your legal notification by telephone Rob you will be located in process on the premises of your place of employment for safety unless I receive any further instructions…”

Caller or Company: Judicial Services
Caller Type: Unknown

Monday, September 13th 11:12 am
I receive many calls from the Peerless Network VolP numbers. several times per week at about 2:00 PM. Currently the calls are coming from Arcadia Florida. However I have also received Spam calls from Neutral Tandem VOlP numbers. Monthly. So, some one with a computer who can type in huge banks of numbers trying to scam someone is busily working. All are shown with "unknown name" even though I have caller ID. Beware of all calls coming from Peerless Network VolP or Neutral Tandem Volp as they are spoofed calls.

Caller Type: Unknown

Wednesday, May 12th 10:53 am
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