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Number Details

NameShow Name
Number(631) 318-4399
Area Code (NPA)631
Exchange (NXX)318
Subscriber Number4399
CompanyBroadvox-Clec, LLC - Ny
CountyNew York
CityNew York
StateNY - New York
Zip Code10014
Date Assigned03/05/2012
Prefix TypeCLEC
Switch Name
Switch Type

Rating Statistics

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Total SPAM Ratings: 0
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Total Ratings: 0

Local Information

CountyNew York
CityNew York
StateNY - New York
Zip Code10014
Census Region NameNortheast
Census Division NameMid-Atlantic
Local Time (when you loaded this page)7:38 PM
Time ZoneEDT
Daylight SavingsYes
Land Square Miles0.57
Water Square Miles
Number of Housing Units21,689
Average Persons Per Household1.48

Caller Location Map

About this number

There is 1 comment for this phone number. (631) 318-4399 is a landline based telephone number operated by Broadvox-Clec, LLC - Ny and is located in zip code 10014 in the city of New York, New York, which is in New York County, and is in the Northeast. It has a Number Planning Area (NPA - also known as an Area Code) of 631, a Network Numbering Exchange (NXX - also known as a prefix) of 318 and a subscriber number of 4399. It has an Operating Company Number (OCN) of 008D. A Common Language Location Identifier (CLLI) of NOCLLIKNOWN. As well as a Local access and transport area (LATA) of 132. It was first assigned for usage on 03/05/2012. Zip code 10014 has a population of 31,959 as of the 2010 census.

Did someone call or text you from 631-318-4399 ?


This number has called me more than 10 times today, claiming to be 'Microsoft'. I highly doubt this is actually Microsoft, every time I answer or call the number back I can hear loud voices in the background and normally when you call a help desk all you can hear is the person not any background sounds. This number is at high risk at being a scammer, do not speak and if you do speak do not answer yes or no questions or give out any information about yourself, especially your name because scammers are now using software to record your voice while in the call and using it to impersonate you.

Caller or Company: 'Microsoft'
Caller Type: Spam

Monday, May 29th 6:19 pm
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