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Number Details

NameShow Name
Number(202) 552-8671
Area Code (NPA)202
Exchange (NXX)552
Subscriber Number8671
CompanyPaetec Communications, Inc. -
CountyDistrict Of Columbia
StateDC - Washington DC
Zip Code20024
Date Assigned01/27/2006
Prefix TypeCLEC
Switch Type

Rating Statistics

Phone Number 2025528671 1 out of 5
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Total SPAM Ratings: 6
Total OK Ratings: 0
Total Ratings: 6

Recent Ratings for 202-552-8671

Date Rated Rating
11/17/17 10:37 AMSPAM
11/17/17 9:09 AMSPAM
11/16/17 1:31 PMSPAM
11/16/17 12:59 PMSPAM
11/16/17 12:05 PMSPAM
10/11/16 2:34 PMSPAM

Local Information

CountyDistrict Of Columbia
StateDC - Washington DC
Zip Code20024
Census Region NameSouth
Census Division NameSouth Atlantic
Local Time (when you loaded this page)1:58 AM
Time ZoneEDT
Daylight SavingsYes
Land Square Miles2.61
Water Square Miles0.77
Number of Housing Units7,732
Average Persons Per Household1.57

Caller Location Map

About this number

There are 6 SPAM ratings and 6 comments for this phone number. (202) 552-8671 is a landline based telephone number operated by Paetec Communications, Inc. - and is located in zip code 20024 in the city of Washington, Washington DC, which is in District Of Columbia County, and is in the South. It has a Number Planning Area (NPA - also known as an Area Code) of 202, a Network Numbering Exchange (NXX - also known as a prefix) of 552 and a subscriber number of 8671. It has an Operating Company Number (OCN) of 4989. A Common Language Location Identifier (CLLI) of WASHDCSWXCY. As well as a Local access and transport area (LATA) of 236. It was first assigned for usage on 01/27/2006. Zip code 20024 has a population of 11,510 as of the 2010 census.

Did someone call or text you from 202-552-8671 ?


We had a similar call this morning stating they with some government agency and since back taxes had not been paid warrants for arrest were being issued. Researching some other sites similiar to this one show many other people have started have the same call BUT with some variation in the last two days.

Caller or Company: Paetec Communications, Inc.
Caller Type: Scam

Friday, November 17th 12:04 pm
Received call saying I was being sued by IRS. Was also called by a separate number that I called back, and they said I'd filed fraudulent returns for 5 years straight.

Caller Type: Unknown

Thursday, November 16th 6:49 pm
This number called me and claimed that someone filed taxes in my name in Hawaii in 2016 and they suspect it was me and I never been to Hawaii in my life. Then offered me a pay option to pay it after I said I never been to Hawaii. They said I had a warrent that was about to be put out about it.. #Really

Caller Type: Unknown

Thursday, November 16th 3:31 pm
Robocall stating they have issuing court default for back taxes. Trying to get a hold of me for six months and this could be considered fraud against the U.S.Government and if I don't respond they will file be a potential lawsuit.

Don't be fooled folks. IRS doesn't call you like that. They send you a formal notice and a chance to repay your taxes.

It's a scam. I am retired. I owe no back taxes unless i won the lottery and forget to claim my millions.

I think they are trying to get your private information that you report on your tax form.

Caller or Company: They said IRS
Caller Type: Robocaller

Thursday, November 16th 12:39 pm
Voice mail stating they have issuing (don't know couldn't understand) fo$ six months and this could be considered fraud again st the U.S.Governmdnt and if I don't respond they will be a potential lawsuit.

Caller or Company: 202-552-8671
Caller Type: Robocaller

Thursday, November 16th 11:52 am
The person leaving a voice message indicated that they were about to enter information to a court

Caller or Company: Paetec Communications, Inc.
Caller Type: Unknown

Thursday, November 16th 11:52 am
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